Thursday, November 18, 2021

Week 13 – White Boxing And Concept (Part 01)

 This week I worked on fixing the lighting and the blueprints for the grabbable objects are also in the level. We changed project settings for planar reflections and enable the mesh distance fields so we could have edge foam in the water on contact with different objects. Here are some of the slides that I worked on as well:

Here is a video of us explaining what we worked on:


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Week 12 – Art Style Guide (Custom Style Guide/Starting Prototype)

 This week we kept on polishing our art style guides and ended up changing up some parts of the project. We decided to move away from having Rapunzel and Flynn in the scene, and are focusing on using Pascal as the main interactor for the experience instead. These are the slides I worked on for this week: Inspiration, Lighting/Atmosphere, Pascal, Shape Language (Pascal).

We also started the proxy this week! Our team recorded a video of what each of us worked on, which is linked at the bottom of this post. After recording this video, I did work on adding a glowing material to the particles, fully whiteboxing the whole level, fixing the skybox, and adding more exponential height fog and atmospheric VFX.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Week 11 – Art Style Guides (Discovering Your Own Art Style)

 This week we edited our art style analysis of Tangled to focus only on the scene that we're working on for our VR Common Art project. The scene we focused on was the lantern scene towards the end of the movie, where Flynn shows Rapunzel the floating lights and sing the song "I See the Light" together. The slides I mainly worked on this week were the characters slide, the shape language for the characters slide, and the technical considerations slide. After analyzing this scene a bit more in depth, I am even more excited than I was to start working on it.