Monday, August 1, 2022

Final Sprint

 This final sprint was mostly just polishing up the assets and code we had in the game! I worked on a number of things. The first task I had was to fix Professor Oaks skin weights so they don't clip as much because of the thin geometry on top of each other.

The next task I worked on was changing out the font of the widgets for a more readable one. Although we liked the charm the pixel font gave, being a call back to the original games, it was difficult to decipher in VR. The font we are using now is the one that is used in the modern Pokemon games: Gill.

I also finally implemented the credits to where it wont be conditional on the players world rotation and put it on the white board.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Sprint #5

 Hey there! This sprint on Pokemon VR, I worked on making camera facing widgets for the speech bubbles I had made previously. VR does not work with the regular camera facing option so we had to figure out a way around that. The widget rotates based on the VR Pawns position. I replaced all the text boxes with this widget feature. I also added in the Pokemon font for the text in the game. I am planning on changing the font to a bolder one that is easier to see. I also fixed the beaker VFX so it's parented and moves with the object. I started to work on the credits to have this feature but haven't finished implementing it. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Sprint 4

 Hey everyone! This sprint I worked on creating a credits screen for our team. We want them to include a gallery of 2D artwork our teammates made of us with our favorite pokemon! Here's a video of the credits rolling.

I also worked on addressing some of the feedback when it came to the dust particles being too big. I also made the bubbling effect for the beakers which is shown below. And I added a time plus a sine node to the computer tower emissive texture so the red light blinks.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Sprint #3

 This sprint, I worked more on more backend things that aren't too visible. I reskinned Bulbasaur and Charmander to their updated mesh with better UVs and textures and uploaded those versions to the engine. I also uploaded Gary to the engine and retargeted him to the old Gary. I also implemented the Sudowoodo dancing when you water him. I also updated all the VFX I made previously to have depth fade so they don't obviously clip through objects. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Sprint #2


This week I focused on a couple things. I remade the spawn and status VFXs and rigged Professor Oak. I skinned his updated mesh as well. 
For the VFX, I referenced the effects from Pokemon Sword and Shield. I also started doing some research on camera facing widgets in VR and I was having a hard time finding a solution for that in particular.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Sprint #1 Delivery

 This sprint I was tasked to make is the rig for Squirtle. I added IK to the arms, legs and feet. Plus pole vector controllers for the knees and elbows. It also has a quick first skinning pass.

I also made a quick watering can VFX in Niagara.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Sprint #7 'C' Level Delivery


This week I worked on a number of things! I first worked on retargeting Charmander's attack animations onto the new rig. After that I worked on creating three different effects: a speech bubble, a pokeball screensaver, and Squirtle's bubble attack. I also rigged Sudowoodo with IK arms, legs, and feet. This week was packed with a lot of tasks and I got all of them and more done!